
  • André Giolo de Carvalho FEARP/ USP
  • Thaís Helena Zero de Oliveira Pereira
  • Leonardo Barreta FEARP/ USP
  • Denise Bonifácio IFSULDEMINAS/ Campus Passos; FEARP/ USP
  • Paula Lopes de Oliveira Maia IFSULDEMINAS, campus Passos
  • Vinícius Milleo Kuromoto EMBRAPA; FEARP/ USP



In a globally dynamic landscape marked by swift and continuous changes, the pursuit of innovative solutions has gained prominence, fostering the rise of startups as a temporary organizational form. These enterprises, in their initial stages amidst uncertainties, stand out for offering innovative solutions and scalable business models. In the Brazilian context, especially in the realm of technology, the number of startups has substantially grown, currently surpassing 12,700 companies. However, the high mortality rate among these startups underscores the need for effective strategies to overcome initial challenges. The acquisition of private investments, such as venture capital funds, plays a pivotal role in the survival and expansion of these enterprises. In this context, alongside the support provided by incubators and Technology Parks (TPs), governments also play a relevant role in promoting innovation through public funding. Despite the growing interest in research related to investments in startups with an emphasis on innovation, a gap exists in the literature, particularly concerning investment in startups located within TPs. The research adopts an exploratory approach, focusing on bibliometric analyses to examine investments in startups with an emphasis on innovation. Using the Web of Science database, the study encompasses relevant keywords. The results of the initial search were analyzed using VOSviewer software, following defined exclusion criteria and concentrating on identifying trends in knowledge development in this field. The study revealed a noticeable increase in the number of publications in this field, with greater prominence from 2018 and a peak in 2021, predominantly in the business domain. The United States stands out as one of the main contributors in this domain, and Brazil plays an active role in the global scientific collaboration network. Consequently, the study emphasizes the need for deeper research to develop frameworks that strengthen the innovation ecosystem, making investments more accessible for startups and propelling their growth. This underscores the ongoing importance of research and development in this area to promote the success of innovative startups.Keywords: Business Incubator; Innovation; Entrepreneurship.



How to Cite

GIOLO DE CARVALHO, A.; ZERO DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA, T. H. .; BARRETA, L.; BONIFÁCIO, D. .; MAIA, P. L. de O.; MILLEO KUROMOTO, V. INVESTIMENTOS EM STARTUPS COM PERFORMANCE DE INOVAÇÃO: UM ESTUDO BIBLIOMÉTRICO. Revista Eixos Tech, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, 2023. DOI: 10.18406/2359-1269v10n22023370. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.